Tag Archives: Schmidt and Bender 5-25×56 PMII

Schmidt Bender 5-25×56 PMII with NEW GR²ID Reticle


Schmidt Bender has designed a new GR²ID reticle for serious practical precision rifle competition shooters. This new reticle has been designed in association with Practical Long Range Sports Competitors. It comes with features that help to solve many problems of competitors in PRS stage. The new GR²ID reticle reduces the clutter to a minimum and […]

5 Best High End Long-range Scopes you should try this Holiday

Most common query received by Scopelist is the suggestion on best available long range hunting scopes. Now, answering this particular question is a bit tricky as there are various kinds of high quality scopes in accordance with the budget. Considering the reader is not bothered about price of the optical device, 5 high quality riflescopes […]

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