Top 5 Nightforce Scopes for you to Buy

Nightforce Optics

Nightforce Optics brings some of the most qualitative riflescopes available in the market. The Nightforce scopes are characterized by robust built, best quality material, highest quality optical lenses, zero stop, and many other exceptional features. The best part of this scope range is that it makes hunting absolutely easy by making the process of adjustment lucid. Whether you want to hunt small animals at short range or fierce animals from long range, you will get the perfect optical device from the wide variety of optical devices available in Nightforce’s kitty. On the basis of usage and requirement, users should buy nightforce scopes. Top 5 scopes selected from all kinds of Nightforce devices available in the market are given below:

  1. Nightforce NXS

These riflescopes are used by hunters for gunning down all kinds of targets at various ranges. While lower mounting profile is ensured by 3.5-15×50 NXS, 3.5-15 x 50 F1 NXS is perfect for target acquisition at varied ranges. Reticle in both these scopes are located at first focal plane. You can take down your target 1000 yards from you or even more with elan. 5.5-22x models are designed to provide 100 MOA of elevation travel, broad range of magnification, and eye relief of 4 inches that makes it the perfect device for extreme long range shooting, designed by Nightforce originally for use in US military. Availability of ZeroStop, either compulsory or optional, makes this series of scope much ahead of its peers.

  1. Nightforce BEAST

This is one of the most advanced riflescopes available in the market. It is known as beast not only because of the full form – Best Example of Advanced Scope Technology – but also because of its advanced features, durability, workmanship, highest grade optics quality, and advanced grade material. Precision shooters will find Nightforce Beast most suitable for use because of first focal plane location, Mil-Radian or MOA configuration, unprecedented technological innovations, highest clarity/resolution standards, more than ninety per cent light transmission, extreme adjustment speed, and many more.

  1. Nightforce Benchrest

Nightforce Precision Benchrest devices come in two models. While one model is 8-32×56, the other is 12-42×56. In both these models, shooters can easily adjust parallax from twenty five yards to infinity. Tracking accuracy can be maximized at Nightforce Benchrest as it comes with coil spring plunger return system. Two significant aspects of this Nightforce scope is that it is equipped with glass-etched illuminated reticule and fast reticule focusing.

  1. Nightforce ATACR

Full form of ATACR is Advanced Tactical Riflescope, which is an advancement over the success of Nightforce’s NXS series. One of the greatest aspects of this optical device is that it provides more than 20 per cent elevation adjustment than any advanced NXS model. Some of the other features that the users will love are over 90 per cent light transmission, amazing color contrast, wide FOV, exceptionally good images, sophisticated reticles – MIL-R, MOAR-T, and MOAR, and many more. Nightforce ATACR riflescope is available in 5-25×56 model only.

  1. Nightforce Competition

The standard equipments of the 2014 edition scope include extremely high speed adjustment, ZeroStop feature, and great windage caps (easy-to-read and fast). Nightforce Competition will not only provide ninety two per cent light transmission but also high resolution and color contrast correction. It is 20 to 24 per cent lighter than Benchrest and NXS models. Unprecedented optical clarity is generated due to presence of ED glass at Nightforce Competition riflescopes. For getting maximum performance out of the scope, 20-30 MOA tapered base is recommended.

Check all the Nightforce models mentioned above and buy the most suited Nightforce rifle scopes as per your needs, budget, and ease.

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