Reticle Options available with Schmidt and Bender PMII Rifle Scopes

Schmidt Bender Riflescopes

Reticles play important role in measuring the distance of your target precisely. However, all scopes are not similar and the needs of shooters vary in accordance with shooting type. Precisely locating the target and putting the bullet in it for a tactical shooter or sniper is quite different from a hunter or CQB shooter. That’s why different types of shooters look for different kinds of reticles, no matter which Schmidt and Bender rifle scope you are using.

If you are a dummy and don’t know what a reticle is, here’s a brief definition in the simplest words possible:

It is a net of fine lines (computer-generated image) on vertical and horizontal axis, generally superimposed on eyepiece, so that you can locate the precise spot (after zeroing in) on the target where you want to put the bullet in. Reticles are of different types and they vary because of the needs of different shooting needs. Simply put, reticle need of a short range hunter will vary from a long range one.

Now, let’s see the different kinds of reticle options available to shooters who are going to buy Schmidt and Bender PMII series riflescopes.  In this article, we will discuss about the reticle choices you have for PMII 3-27×56 and PMII 5-25×56.

Reticle Options for Shooters with Schmidt and Bender PMII 3-27×56

There are five reticle options available with Schmidt and Bender PMII 3-27×56 and they are H2CMR, P4L Fine, Horus TReMoR 2, Horus H59, and Horus H37. Now, let’s have a closer look at all these reticles so that you can select the right reticle in accordance with your need:

i.                    H2CMR Reticle

This is one of the most popular reticle choices among precision shooters. It is a mil-based one that comes with 0.2 mil subtensions, located in the main aiming area of the reticle. 1 mil subtensions are marked on H2CMR reticle right from the centre to both sides (15 mils each).

ii.                  P4L Fine Reticle

It is also a mil-based reticle where the subtensions are placed 0.5 mil apart from each other. You will get a considerable 27 mils of elevation, which is marked below point of aim. For wind hold-offs, you will get 5 mils of marks in both directions. A floating crosshair is featured in this reticle and for more precise estimation of range you will get 0.2 mil subtensions inside the posts. One of the main advantages of having P4L Fine Reticle is that it is especially helpful for low light conditions and lower magnifications. This has been possible due to the presence of thick posts in the reticle at its 9, 12, and 3 o’clock positions. You will be able to get precise aiming without any kind of target obscuring as the reticle comes with 0.03 fine lines.  Perhaps the best part is the pre-calculated reference marks present because they help in instant estimation of range. You can observe or even spot with this riflescope reticle as its top half comes with uncluttered design.

iii.                Horus TReMoR2 Reticle

The most noted feature of TReMoR2 is that it is a Christmas-tree style reticle where the subtensions are spaced by 0.2 mils and the chevron” mil markers have 0.1 mils subtension. For enabling shooter to measure target accurately, you will find versatile marker groupings throughout the reticle. In order to help a shooter undertake faster shooting, Accuracy 1st Speed Shooting Formula has been built in the reticle elevation hold.

iv.                 Horus H59 Reticle

This reticle is a Christmas-tree style one having 0.2 mil subtensions, which is perfect for taking shot at 600 meters distance. However, it must be noted that Horus grid is capable of taking shot up to a maximum of 1500 meters. In comparison to Horus H58, you will get an additional 1 mil on the horizontal line. While the H58 come with a heavy crosshair, here you will find just an aiming dot. You can use refined milling-to-drop method for precise and quick target engagement as Horus H59 Reticle has been provided Accuracy 1st Speed Shooting Formula. Shooters say it is the “field-tuned” version of the Horus H58 reticle.

v.                   Horus H37 Reticle

If you want to shoot a target located 2000 yards from you or beyond that, you should use Horus H37 reticle with Schmidt and Bender PMII 3-27×56 riflescope. This ultra long range reticle is meant for shooters who want to take their targets down at extreme ranges. With this reticle you can use more grid at enhanced magnification. In the field of view, the central targeting grid is located 4 mils higher. Horus H37 reticle comes with thin lines so that the shooters don’t confront obscurity while aiming targets at long range.

Reticle Options for Shooters with Schmidt and Bender PMII 5-25×56

There are 12 reticle options available for you to choose from. They are MSR, Horus H58, Horus TReMoR 2, P4L Fine MOA, Klein, Police, P3L, P4L, Horus H59, Horus H37, H2CMR, and P4L Fine reticles. We are not going into further details for H2CMR, Horus H37, Horus H59, Horus TReMoR 2, and P4L Fine reticles because they have already being defined above.

i.                    MSR Reticle

This is the most coveted reticle among military personnel, snipers, long range shooters, and other professionals and is revered among top most popular reticles for shooters using Schmidt and Bender PMII 5-25×56 with precision rifle series. They have great usability features for both extreme long range and sensible close range shooting. You can estimate range instantly as it comes with pre-calculated reference marks and precision milling capabilities. It has an uncluttered design at top that helps shooters to spot and observe targets.

ii.                  Horus H58 Reticle

It is a mil-based, Christmas-tree style reticle that comes with extended wind dots having 1 mil increments outside main hash grid. 0.2 mil subtensions are present in this reticle. You can get a clear view due to the unobstructive nature of the wind dots. With the help of refined milling-to-drop method, you can precisely and quickly engage target as this reticle comes with staircase pattern (Accuracy 1st Speed Shooting Formula) created in the reticle’s top half.

iii.                Klein Reticle

This reticle is a mil-dot one and has  0.5 mil subtensions. The dots are see-through in nature, therefore not obscuring the target in any manner.

iv.                 Police Reticle

This mil based reticle has the extra advantage of estimating ranges instantly as it has been provided with pre-calculated reference marks. It is a similar reticle as P3L reticle.

v.                   P3L Reticle

This reticle type is an improved mil-dot one which has a floating crosshair.

vi.             P4L Reticle

This mil-based reticle comes with slightly thicker lines and is quite popular as P4L Fine reticles.

vii.               P4L Fine MOA Reticle

It is similar to P4L Fine reticle but has here the calculations are done in MOA. The usual subtensions are 1 MOA but the subtensions near the posts are 0.4 MOA, which help in more accurate range estimation.

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